Since 2012, auto-enrolment into a workplace pension scheme has gradually become mandatory for all employers. There are a few exceptions, but if you’re in employment, you’ll almost certainly have been enrolled. It’s tempting to think this means you can now
Read moreState Pension Age: What It Means For You

The state pension age is currently 66 for both men and women in the UK. This will gradually increase to 67 between 2026 and 2027. You can easily check the government website for your own pension age. There are highly
Read moreThe Cost Of Living Crisis And Retirement Planning

In case you’ve just returned to Planet Earth, we’re currently experiencing a cost of living crisis. The annual rate of inflation has reached levels we haven’t seen for over 30 years. Just a few short months ago, this seemed unlikely.
Read moreFinancial Decisions And Outcomes

We make financial decisions every day. When we order a drink in a pub, we make a decision on our discretionary spending. When we make a payment on a credit card, we make a decision on debt management. Or when
Read moreYour Pension Is More Than Your Pension Plan

That might seem obvious, but it opens up a whole raft of issues. Until well into my career, I didn’t think much about what a pension was. I just assumed that I should simply follow the government’s and my employer’s
Read moreDrawdown: What’s A Safe Rate?

Many people associate the word “drawdown” with withdrawals from a pension fund after retirement. But a pension fund is really just a tax shelter for investments. The principles of drawdown can be applied to all your investments, wherever held. Before
Read morePension Goals: What Should They Be?

Financial advisers advocate a variety of pension goals. Some simply suggest trying to save a specific percentage of salary into a pension plan. Others target a total saved pension amount to aim for, in order to be ready for retirement.
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