Lifestyle creep can happen when you dedicate increased income to increased spending. This can be almost imperceptible during your working life; it ‘creeps’ up on you. You get a promotion with higher pay, and understandably you splash out on some
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Lifestyle In A Nutshell: Retirement Living Standards

The Retirement Living Standards (RLS) give us a picture of the kind of retirement lifestyle we might have. Based on independent research by Loughborough University, they were adopted by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, a body that represents pension
Read moreLong-Term Care In Retirement Planning

One feature that we’ve kept on putting off adding to our retirement calculator till now is the ability to explicitly plan for long-term care. A reason for this is that it’s especially hard to plan for it. It’s not certain
Read moreDoes Auto-Enrolment Solve Retirement Planning?

Since 2012, auto-enrolment into a workplace pension scheme has gradually become mandatory for all employers. There are a few exceptions, but if you’re in employment, you’ll almost certainly have been enrolled. It’s tempting to think this means you can now
Read moreAI And EvolveMyRetirement®

Whatever your views on Artificial Intelligence (AI), it’s clear that it’s developing at a rapid pace. It’s going to revolutionise many aspects of our lives, and retirement planning will be no exception. As a financial planning tool, EvolveMyRetirement® is unique.
Read moreYou’re Already Retired So Is It Too Late To Plan?

Most of us think of retirement planning as something we need to do long before we’re retired. And of course, that’s preferable, otherwise we might never find ourselves ready to retire. During our working lives, fresh earnings help with planning
Read moreRisk Aversion In Retirement Planning

Risk aversion is well understood by economists. There’s a mathematical underpinning to it that may be tricky for the layman to understand. The basic idea is quite easy to understand. In the context of retirement planning there are some unique
Read moreState Pension Age: What It Means For You

The state pension age is currently 66 for both men and women in the UK. This will gradually increase to 67 between 2026 and 2027. You can easily check the government website for your own pension age. There are highly
Read moreThe Big Annuity Decision

Buying a lifetime annuity is a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. In return for a guaranteed income for life you’d be sacrificing a chunk of capital. On the other hand guaranteed income can do wonders for our peace of mind.
Read moreUtility In EvolveMyRetirement®

The concept of utility is central to how EvolveMyRetirement® is able to optimise your retirement strategy. Some of our users have asked to learn more about it, and this article is designed to provide some insight. Utility is an economic concept,
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