Most of us think of retirement planning as something we need to do long before we’re retired. And of course, that’s preferable, otherwise we might never find ourselves ready to retire. During our working lives, fresh earnings help with planning
Read moreThe Big Annuity Decision

Buying a lifetime annuity is a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. In return for a guaranteed income for life you’d be sacrificing a chunk of capital. On the other hand guaranteed income can do wonders for our peace of mind.
Read moreWealth, And How You Measure It

By most standard definitions, wealth consists of accumulated assets. In other words, it’s what you already have rather than what you earn. But most people would consider someone who’d just landed a job with a huge salary as wealthy. And
Read moreInflation And Retirement Planning

In the UK we haven’t had double-digit inflation since the early 80s. Since 1992 annual inflation has been below 5%. So you might be forgiven for thinking that inflation isn’t worth worrying about anymore. But we had similar levels of
Read moreThe Psychology of Retirement Planning

It’s easy to imagine that investment success necessarily follows from having a good understanding of investments. Knowledge helps a lot of course. But it’s easy to forget the role of psychology. If we’re investing a small amount, we might not
Read moreAnnuities: Myths And Reality

It used to be that almost everyone with a private pension fund bought annuities when they retired. But Pension Freedoms have changed that. Now nobody is forced into buying an annuity with their pension savings. Instead, drawdown has become far
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