Rebalancing is a key consideration for any long-term investor. It involves selling some asset types and buying others, to achieve the appropriate mix. This sounds simple, but in practice it’s trickier than on the surface. The appropriate mix needs to
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Retirement Ruin: It’s Not Black And White

Retirement ruin isn’t something that’s pleasant to think about. But unless we have a high enough guaranteed income for life, funding our lifestyle depends on maximising the probability of success. Old-fashioned retirement calculators ignored uncertainty, and predicted exactly how long
Read moreAnnuities Are Making A Comeback

Many people wrote off annuities due to the abysmally low rates on offer in recent years. Lifetime annuity rates are driven by long-term interest rates, which had been in steady decline until recently. But now short- and long-term interest rates
Read moreMonte Carlo Retirement Planning

Monte Carlo simulation is a modelling technique that’s useful in many areas, including physics, engineering and finance. If a process depends on multiple random variables, it can be impossible or impractical to calculate the odds of different outcomes. The Monte
Read moreOptimisation Of Retirement: Common Reactions

When you use the EvolveMyRetirement® app for the first time, you’ll no doubt have an initial emotional reaction to the resulting optimisation. This reaction depends both on the state of your finances and on your prior expectations. Unlike most retirement
Read moreTarget-Date Funds: The Answer To Managing Risk?

A target-date fund is a type of managed fund where the plan is to sell it on a specific date. Other common names for it are a lifestyle fund or life-cycle fund. Unlike most managed funds, the risk exposure of
Read moreThe Cost Of Living Crisis And Retirement Planning

In case you’ve just returned to Planet Earth, we’re currently experiencing a cost of living crisis. The annual rate of inflation has reached levels we haven’t seen for over 30 years. Just a few short months ago, this seemed unlikely.
Read moreValuation For Retirement Plans

Most people think of a valuation as something that only applies to assets. For example, your house might have a valuation of £500,000; or your ISA might be worth £200,000. But there are many things that we don’t usually think
Read moreThe LTA Bogeyman

Editor’s note: In the budget on 15th March 2023, the Pension Lifetime Allowance (LTA) was abolished. It’s fair to say that the Pension Lifetime Allowance, or LTA for short, is unpopular with pension savers. It’s complex and it deters us
Read moreCan You Predict Your Financial Future?

We’d all like to be able to predict with certainty our future finances, particularly in retirement. That’s why defined benefit pensions are often called ‘gold-plated’. But uncertainty is an inescapable fact of life. There are many things we cannot know
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